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No Avançado aba do caixa de diálogo de preferências você pode ativar recursos avançados e acessar o arquivo de configuração principal.
Marque Ação profunda se desejar processar todos os arquivos ignorando todas as opções definidas nas guias de desfragmentação e otimização. Normalmente isso não faz sentido, mas em alguns casos é muito útil. Por exemplo, se você quiser mover tudo para o início do disco e compactar o máximo possível para preparar o disco para redução, basta marcar esta opção e realizar a otimização completa em seguida.
Se você quiser testar rapidamente os métodos de processamento de disco, verifique Modo de teste rápido . Nenhum arquivo será realmente movido para o disco, mas todo o resto funcionará da mesma maneira que na operação normal.
Para acessar as opções mais avançadas do UltraDefrag clique em UltraDefrag > Editar .{installation_folder}\conf\options.lua
Alternativamente, você pode abrir o seguinte arquivo manualmente em seu editor de texto favorito: .
Se o programa disser que não consegue abrir o arquivo, isso indica que provavelmente você tem uma edição do Windows de 64 bits, mas a .lua está associada a um editor de texto de 32 bits. Instale uma edição de 64 bits do editor de texto ou associe a .lua ao Bloco de Notas integrado do Windows.
Verifique o seguinte arquivo de configuração que UltraDefrag usa por padrão para obter informações completas sobre todas as opções disponíveis:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UltraDefrag configuration file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file contains all UltraDefrag settings. It controls behaviour -- of the graphical interface, the Windows Explorer's context menu hander, -- the automatic defragmentation module and, finally, the boot time interface. -- -- In most cases there's no need to edit this file manually as all the most -- useful settings are easily configurable via the settings dialog of the -- graphical interface. -- -- This file is written in the Lua programming language. There's no need -- to learn it thoroughly to edit this file, only basic knowledge is required. -- To get an idea of how it works we do recommend you to read the official Lua -- reference manual at -- -- Also it's worth mentioning that you can use Unicode characters in strings -- in this file as UltraDefrag uses an improved version of Lua which supports -- them. All you have to do is to open this file in the Notepad++ editor and -- then save it in UTF-8 (without BOM) encoding. -- -- Also Notepad++ features syntax highlighting which makes it much easier -- to edit the file. The latest version of Notepad++ can be downloaded -- for free from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Common options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These options control behaviour of all the UltraDefrag interfaces -- mentioned above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A. Defragmentation options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 (one) to remove temporary files before defragmentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean_temp_files = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List of semicolon separated paths which have to be defragmented. -- Examples: -- in_filter = "*.jpg;*.png;*.gif" -- defragment pictures only -- in_filter = "?:\\windows\\*" -- defragment windows folders only -- Keep it empty ("") or set to "*" to defragment everything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in_filter = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List of semicolon separated paths which have to be skipped. -- Examples: -- ex_filter = "*temp*;*tmp*;*recycle*" -- exclude temporary content -- ex_filter = "*.avi;*.mkv;*\\video_ts\\*" -- exclude movies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ex_filter = "*system volume information*;*temp*;*tmp*;*recycle*;*dllcache*;*ServicePackFiles*;*Windows.old*;*.log;*\\Windows\\servicing\\*" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Popular patterns intended for inclusion in filters. -- For more extensions visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- archive_patterns = "*.7z;*.7z.*;*.arj;*.bkf;*.bz2;*.bzip2;*.cab;*.cpio;*.deb;*.dmg;*.gz;*.gzip;*.lha;*.lzh;*.lzma;*.rar;*.rpm;*.swm;*.tar;*.taz;*.tbz;*.tbz2;*.tgz;*.tpz;*.txz;*.xar;*.xz;*.z;*.zip" audio_patterns = "*.aif;*.cda;*.flac;*.iff;*.kpl;*.m3u;*.m4a;*.mid;*.mp3;*.mpa;*.ra;*.wav;*.wma" video_patterns = "*.3g2;*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.flv;*.mov;*.mp4;*.mpg;*.rm;*.srt;*.swf;*.vob;*.wmv" disk_image_patterns = "*.fat;*.hdd;*.hfs;*.img;*.iso;*.ntfs;*.squashfs;*.vdi;*.vhd;*.vmdk;*.wim" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set these variables to 1 to include patterns defined above to in_filter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- include_archive = 0 include_audio = 0 include_video = 0 include_disk_image = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set these variables to 1 to include patterns defined above to ex_filter. -- By default all the variables are set to 1 because archives, multimedia -- files and virtual machines rarely benefit from defragmentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exclude_archive = 1 exclude_audio = 1 exclude_video = 1 exclude_disk_image = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Skip fragments bigger than specified. -- Example: -- fragment_size_threshold = "20 MB" -- Set it to an empty string ("") or zero ("0") to process fragments -- of all sizes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fragment_size_threshold = "20 MB" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Skip files bigger than specified. -- Example: -- file_size_threshold = "100 MB" -- Keep it empty ("") to defragment files of all sizes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_size_threshold = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Skip files having less fragments than specified. -- Example: -- fragments_threshold = 5 -- skip files having less than 5 fragments -- Set this parameter to zero to defragment files regardless of their -- number of fragments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fragments_threshold = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- During SSD defragmentation skip files having less fragments than specified. -- Example: -- ssd_fragments_threshold = 20 -- skip files having less than 20 fragments -- Set this parameter to zero to defragment files regardless of their -- number of fragments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssd_fragments_threshold = 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- B. Optimization options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File sorting criteria. Available options are: PATH (sort files by path), -- SIZE (sort files by size), C_TIME (sort files by the creation time), -- M_TIME (sort files by the last modification time) and A_TIME (sort files -- by the last access time). -- Example: -- file_sorting_criteria = "PATH" -- sort files by path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_sorting_criteria = "PATH" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File sorting order. Available options are: ASC (ascending) and DESC -- (descending). -- Example: -- file_sorting_order = "ASC" -- sort files in ascending order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_sorting_order = "ASC" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Skip files bigger than specified. -- Example: -- optimizer_file_size_threshold = "20 MB" -- Keep it empty ("") to sort out files of all sizes. Though, we do recommend -- to use the default value ("20 MB") as sorting of big files doesn't affect -- system performance and just wastes time. Also keep in mind that UltraDefrag -- needs larger free space gaps to sort out larger files, so in case they are -- not available on the disk, large files won't get sorted out no matter what -- value is set for this option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- optimizer_file_size_threshold = "20 MB" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If this option is set to 1 then during SSD optimization -- UltraDefrag will defragment and trim the disk only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssd_defragment_and_trim_only = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set this option to 1 to ignore all the filters set above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deep_action = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- C. Miscellaneous options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Skip disks entirely when their fragmentation level is below than specified. -- Example: -- fragmentation_threshold = 10 -- ignore fragmentation level below 10% -- Set it to zero (0) to process disks regardless of their fragmentation level. -- Note: this parameter doesn't affect the MFT optimization task. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fragmentation_threshold = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Terminate the job when the specified time interval elapses. -- Example: -- time_limit = "6h 30m" -- Keep it empty ("") or set to zero ("0") to let the job complete -- no matter how long will it take. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time_limit = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The progress refresh interval, in milliseconds. The default value is 100. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refresh_interval = 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 (one) to disable generation of the file fragmentation reports. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disable_reports = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 to simulate the disk processing. No files will get moved -- physically, but you'll be able to quickly check how various disk -- processing algorithms work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dry_run = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to DETAILED for troubleshooting, otherwise keep it empty ("") -- or set to NORMAL. Note that the detailed logging consumes more time, -- memory and disk space. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dbgprint_level = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to redirect debugging output to a log file. Keep it -- empty ("") if everything works fine and no logging is needed. -- Examples: -- log_file_path = "C:\\Windows\\UltraDefrag\\logs\\ultradefrag.log" -- log_file_path = ".\\logs\\ultradefrag.log" -- Environment variables can be used as shown below: -- log_file_path = os.getenv("TEMP") .. "\\UltraDefrag_Logs\\ultradefrag.log" -- Note: -- Unicode characters cannot be included into the log file path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log_file_path = ".\\logs\\ultradefrag.log" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2. Windows Explorer's context menu options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These options control what happens when you defragment -- files through their context menu in Windows Explorer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shellex_flag then -- the context menu handler takes into account everything defined above -- as well as options defined here exclusively for it log_file_path = "C:\\Program Files\\UltraDefrag\\logs\\udefrag-shellex.log" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. Graphical interface options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These options control look and feel of the graphical interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 to minimize the application's window -- to the taskbar notification area (system tray). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- minimize_to_system_tray = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 to show a taskbar icon overlay on Windows 7 and more recent -- Windows editions. This overlay will reflect the state of the running job -- in real time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- show_taskbar_icon_overlay = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 to enable progress indication inside of the taskbar -- button on Windows 7 and more recent Windows editions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- show_progress_in_taskbar = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to zero if menu icons look untidy on your system. -- Note: restart the program after adjustment of this parameter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- show_menu_icons = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Size of the cluster map cells, in pixels. The default value is 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map_block_size = 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Width of the grid line, in pixels. The default value is 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid_line_width = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The grid line color, in RGB format. Black (0;0;0) is used by default, -- visit to pick others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid_color_r = 0 grid_color_g = 0 grid_color_b = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The free space color, in RGB format. White (255;255;255) is used by default, -- visit to pick others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free_color_r = 255 free_color_g = 255 free_color_b = 255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The shutdown confirmation timeout, in seconds. The default value -- is 60, set it to zero to skip any confirmation. Note: it works -- the same way when you confirm hibernation, logoff or reboot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seconds_for_shutdown_rejection = 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following option has been retired: restore_default_window_size. -- Remove the width and height parameters from the {installation folder}\gui.ini -- file manually to restore the default window size on the next startup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4. Automatic defragmentation options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These options control automatic defragmentation. Don't modify them -- directly, open the Settings dialog in UltraDefrag GUI instead, -- adjust automatic defragmentation options there and then click OK. -- The program will save the options and generate the auto-defrag.cmd -- script taking them all into account. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Being set to 1 this option enables automatic defragmentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto_defrag_enabled = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List of drives to defragment automatically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto_defrag_drives_list = "C" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Being set to 1 this option forces the automatic defragmentation module -- to use the custom script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto_defrag_use_custom_script = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5. File fragmentation reports options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These options define what happens when you open a file fragmentation -- report, either from the graphical interface or from Windows Explorer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to zero to disable HTML reports generation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- produce_html_report = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set it to 1 to enable generation of plain text reports. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- produce_plain_text_report = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- To adjust style of HTML reports edit the following file: -- {installation folder}\scripts\udreport.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this number helps to upgrade configuration file correctly, don't change it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- version = 309 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this code concatenates filter variables, don't modify it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orig_ex_filter = ex_filter if exclude_archive ~= 0 then ex_filter = ex_filter .. ";" .. archive_patterns end if exclude_audio ~= 0 then ex_filter = ex_filter .. ";" .. audio_patterns end if exclude_disk_image ~= 0 then ex_filter = ex_filter .. ";" .. disk_image_patterns end if exclude_video ~= 0 then ex_filter = ex_filter .. ";" .. video_patterns end orig_in_filter = in_filter if include_archive ~= 0 then in_filter = in_filter .. ";" .. archive_patterns end if include_audio ~= 0 then in_filter = in_filter .. ";" .. audio_patterns end if include_disk_image ~= 0 then in_filter = in_filter .. ";" .. disk_image_patterns end if include_video ~= 0 then in_filter = in_filter .. ";" .. video_patterns end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this code sets environment variables for UltraDefrag, don't modify it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- common variables os.setenv("UD_ORIG_IN_FILTER",orig_in_filter) os.setenv("UD_ORIG_EX_FILTER",orig_ex_filter) os.setenv("UD_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVES",exclude_archive) os.setenv("UD_EXCLUDE_AUDIO",exclude_audio) os.setenv("UD_EXCLUDE_VIDEO",exclude_video) os.setenv("UD_EXCLUDE_DISK_IMAGES",exclude_disk_image) os.setenv("UD_CLEAN_TEMP_FILES",clean_temp_files) os.setenv("UD_IN_FILTER",in_filter) os.setenv("UD_EX_FILTER",ex_filter) os.setenv("UD_FRAGMENT_SIZE_THRESHOLD",fragment_size_threshold) os.setenv("UD_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD",file_size_threshold) os.setenv("UD_FRAGMENTS_THRESHOLD",fragments_threshold) os.setenv("UD_SSD_FRAGMENTS_THRESHOLD",ssd_fragments_threshold) os.setenv("UD_SORTING",file_sorting_criteria) os.setenv("UD_SORTING_ORDER",file_sorting_order) os.setenv("UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD",optimizer_file_size_threshold) os.setenv("UD_SSD_DEFRAGMENT_AND_TRIM_ONLY",ssd_defragment_and_trim_only) os.setenv("UD_DEEP_ACTION",deep_action) os.setenv("UD_FRAGMENTATION_THRESHOLD",fragmentation_threshold) os.setenv("UD_TIME_LIMIT",time_limit) os.setenv("UD_REFRESH_INTERVAL",refresh_interval) os.setenv("UD_DISABLE_REPORTS",disable_reports) os.setenv("UD_DBGPRINT_LEVEL",dbgprint_level) os.setenv("UD_LOG_FILE_PATH",log_file_path) os.setenv("UD_DRY_RUN",dry_run) -- GUI specific variables os.setenv("UD_SECONDS_FOR_SHUTDOWN_REJECTION",seconds_for_shutdown_rejection) os.setenv("UD_SHOW_MENU_ICONS",show_menu_icons) os.setenv("UD_SHOW_TASKBAR_ICON_OVERLAY",show_taskbar_icon_overlay) os.setenv("UD_SHOW_PROGRESS_IN_TASKBAR",show_progress_in_taskbar) os.setenv("UD_MINIMIZE_TO_SYSTEM_TRAY",minimize_to_system_tray) os.setenv("UD_MAP_BLOCK_SIZE",map_block_size) os.setenv("UD_GRID_LINE_WIDTH",grid_line_width) os.setenv("UD_GRID_COLOR_R",grid_color_r) os.setenv("UD_GRID_COLOR_G",grid_color_g) os.setenv("UD_GRID_COLOR_B",grid_color_b) os.setenv("UD_FREE_COLOR_R",free_color_r) os.setenv("UD_FREE_COLOR_G",free_color_g) os.setenv("UD_FREE_COLOR_B",free_color_b) -- automatic defragmentation specific variables os.setenv("UD_AUTO_DEFRAG_ENABLED",auto_defrag_enabled) os.setenv("UD_AUTO_DEFRAG_DRIVES_LIST",auto_defrag_drives_list) os.setenv("UD_AUTO_DEFRAG_USE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT",auto_defrag_use_custom_script) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END OF FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |